Monday, 14 May 2012

...and breathe

This has been the busiest couple of weeks I've had... probably for years!

Last Thursday I went to see The Carl Palmer Band in Tavistock which was absolutely exhilirating, I got a picture with him too :-)

Then on Saturday night we went to see Nik Kershaw at the Daphne Du Maurier festival, yesterday we saw
Tony Hawks and today we met Terry Wogan!

It's been a bit of a social whirl haha


  1. :O Wowsers! What a time you've had! I'm deeply envious!

    Explains why you haven't replied to my email ;p

  2. I meant to put at the end of the post actually to thank you for your email and that I'll reply soon :-) I'm sorry about the delay!

    We've got The Animals and The Move tomorrow and it's my mum's Birthday on Saturday and then nothing until the 30th when we see Brit Floyd. I said May was going to be a busy month and it's turned out to be even busier than I imagined haha.

  3. Oh actually I forgot, my Dad's visiting too!

  4. Busy busy busy fun fun fun!

    Sounds brilliant :) Enjoy tomorrow and happy birthday to your mum
